Twin Sisters - The most famous albine (models) twins on the web


The story of Lara, Mara and Sheila it's really unique. THE Bawar (this is their surname) is a family originally from Guinea Bissau (West African country) transplanted to Brazil. Lara and Mara, 11 years old, they are both albino and the older sister Sheila (14) has preserved all the original characteristics of the parents.

Seeing them together is really shocking as the beauty of the first two it does not clash with that of the older sister. The albino twins suffer from the total lack of melanin, the main biological author of the skin pigment, which makes the two sisters of a very light complexion in complete contrast with the genetic characteristics inherited.


Jump toworldwide attention after a service by the Brazilian photographer Vinicius Terranova (link) il loro sorriso, così come le treccioline bianche, hanno conquistato tutti.

E più di un anno infatti che designer of half the world they are competing for sisters Bawar as a testimonial for them brand. Among the many names how not to mention Nike, Insanis and Bazaar Kids.

Bawer sisters

Page Instagram (link) of the Bawar sisters has more than 100 thousand members and the followers grow from day to day, attracted by the project "Rare Flowers", Again by the photographer Terranova, who portrays Lara, Mara and Sceila in their everyday life in situations far from the glossy like when they do their homework or take a coffee in a Starbucks.

We hope this sudden popularity do not change their lives and allow the sisters to live the experience of "young models"Like a game and not an obsession dictated by a magazine like Elle, Marieclaire and Vogue (link).

Starbucks Coffee


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